Floating Field Properties

The "Floating Field Properties" dialog will assist you in modifying the properties of a floating field.

Floating Field Properties - General

Floating field properties dialog. General is selected from the tree on the left. On the right, you can specify the name of the floating field, select the field data type from the drop down, and enter a description for the field.

This is the name that has been assigned to this floating field. The name must follow the variables naming convention.
Note: If you rename this variable and it is referenced in other components of your template (MapForm, FormStamp, FormDirector), you must manually change references to the new name in the other components of the template.

Field Type
This is the type of variable format this field should expect to hold. The default type is 'String' since all floating fields are created by mapping text from the input file. You are free to change this value to other field types in which case the server will convert the field before the variable is populated.

This value is provided for use by the designer to indicate any additional information about this field. This value is not used by FormFusion.

Floating Field Properties - Mapping

Floating field properties dialog. Mapping is selected from the tree on the left. On the right, you can specify the starting column number, column width, starting row number, and the row height. You can also check the checkbox to auto trim spaces from the mapped value.

Starting Column
This is the starting column (left side) of the field on the MapForm. Valid values are from 1 to the width of the report file.

Column Width
This is the width of the floating field. Valid values are from 1 to the width of the input file minus the starting column.

Starting Row
This is the starting row (top side) of the field on the MapForm. Valid values are from 1 to the height of the input file.

Row Height
This is the height of the floating field. Valid values are from 1 to the height of the input file minus the starting row.

Auto trim spaces from mapped value
Select this option to trim spaces from mapped fields.

Floating Field Properties - Resizing

Floating field properties dialog. Resizing is selected from the tree on the left. On the right, choose to do nothing, move this field when the parent's size changes, or resize the field when the parent's size changes.

This controls the way the floating field reacts to changes in the size of its parent area (which can be the header, detail, or footer). Choose from the following options: